Saturday, May 23, 2020

Three Ways to Make a Persuasive Argument on Marijuana Legalization

Three Ways to Make a Persuasive Argument on Marijuana LegalizationIs your subject matter writing topic on legalization of marijuana persuasive? Can you make a persuasive argument in a number of different ways? If so, then you are on the right track. If not, then here are three ways that you can make a persuasive argument in favor of legalization of marijuana.There are many compelling persuasive arguments that have been presented throughout history. One is John Milton's Paradise Lost. This book is very compelling because of the many conflicting views. He presents a persuasive argument for why a belief system should be held in check and civil disobedience should be used as a means to do this. One of his reasons for civil disobedience is that laws must be respected or civil disorder will occur.A second persuasive essay is to be found in the book 'A Federalist on the Civil War,' written by James Madison. In this essay, he makes a very convincing argument that the North would lose the Civ il War if it were allowed to pass the Marijuana Prohibition Act. Again, the argument that he makes is based on his belief that the North cannot win the war without alcohol, in addition to his belief that the North would lose the war.There is also another popular argument that you can use, which is that there will be no need for drugs in society if marijuana is legalized. After all, illegal drugs have done such damage to society that it is clearly in the best interest of society for society to go in a different direction with regards to illegal drugs. This is the argument that many law enforcement officials have been using over the years, including people like Ronald Reagan.Last, but not least, there is the very persuasive argument that we should legalize marijuana in order to prevent illegal drugs from becoming a national problem. If this is the case, then the law enforcement officials who are making false arrests of users, people using marijuana in public places, and those who are smoking it in their cars should be prosecuted and removed from office. This way, illegal drugs will be controlled and society will become a better place.Remember, the first two ways that you can make a persuasive essay on legalization of marijuana persuasive are not always successful. However, if you keep at it, then you can eventually come up with a compelling argument for legalization of marijuana that the general public will accept. Then you have a real chance of having a real change in the way people view marijuana use.When you are looking for a persuasive essay on marijuana, remember to be careful about what you choose. You want your arguments to be strong, but you don't want them to be so strong that they leave the reader thinking, 'What just happened?'Hopefully these ideas will help you get started on creating a persuasive essay on legalization of marijuana. When you think about it, the general public does have a bit of a problem with marijuana, and by bringing up the fact th at the government would lose out if marijuana were legalized, you may just be able to change the public perception of marijuana use.

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